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Chalcopyrite mineral composition


Chalcopyrite is a copper-iron sulfide mineral with the following chemical composition and structure:

1. Chemical composition

Chemical formula: CuFeS₂

Element composition:

Copper (Cu): about 34.5%

Iron (Fe): about 30.5%

Sulfur (S): about 35.0%

2. Crystal structure

Crystal system: tetragonal system

Space group: I‾42d

Unit cell parameters:

a = b ≈ 5.29 Å

c ≈ 10.41 Å

3. Mineral properties

Color: brass color, often with rainbow oxide film on the surface

Luster: metallic luster

Hardness: Mohs hardness 3.5-4

Striation: green-black

Density: about 4.1-4.3 g/cm³

4. Associated minerals

Chalcopyrite is often associated with other sulfide minerals, including:

Pyrite (FeS₂)

Galena (PbS)

Sphalerite (ZnS)

Bornite (Cu₅FeS₄)

5. Formation environment

Chalcopyrite is commonly found in the following geological environments:

Hydrothermal deposits

Skarn deposits

In certain sedimentary rocks


The chemical composition of chalcopyrite is CuFeS₂, and its crystal structure belongs to the tetragonal system. It is often associated with sulfide minerals such as pyrite and galena, and is mainly formed in hydrothermal deposits and skarn deposits.

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