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What is chalcopyrite?


Chalcopyrite is a common copper-iron sulfide mineral with the chemical formula CuFeS₂. The following are its main characteristics:

1. Physical properties

Color: usually brass-colored, often with an iridescent oxide film on the surface.

Luster: metallic luster.

Hardness: Mohs hardness is 3.5-4.

Streak: green-black.

Density: about 4.1-4.3 g/cm³.

2. Chemical properties

Composition: composed of copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and sulfur (S).

Solubility: insoluble in water, but soluble in nitric acid.

3. Formation and origin

Formation environment: common in hydrothermal deposits, skarn deposits and certain sedimentary rocks.

Distribution: widely distributed around the world, with major production areas including Chile, the United States, Peru, Australia and China.

4. Uses

Main source of copper: copper is extracted by smelting and is widely used in electrical, construction and manufacturing industries.

Byproducts: Iron, gold, silver, etc. can be recovered during the smelting process.

Scientific research and education: used for mineralogy research and geology teaching.

Decoration and collection: Some crystals are ornamental and used for decoration or collection.


Chalcopyrite is an important copper-iron sulfide mineral, mainly used for copper extraction, and also has applications in scientific research, education and collection.

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